Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's Like the Birthday Butterflies

I was talking to a coworker of mine today. He commented on my Kool-aid Jammers purse and asked if I made him. I assured him that I was not nearly creative enough and got it from He then told me about all the interesting websites he's found. One of them sounded extremely interesting so I checked it out. Here's the description from the website itself:

"SomethingStore is a fun new website that operates simply: We will send you something, an item selected randomly among many things from our inventory, for $10 (free shipping in the US) and you will find out what your something is when you receive it. What will yours be?"
Then I asked myself the question, "What kinds of things do people get randomly for ten bucks?" My question was quickly answered as I read on:

"Your Something May Be Anything. It may be something you need, something you want or something you desire. Yours may be a cool gadget, rare book, table game, handmade necklace, reverse clock, box of gourmet chocolates, set of shiny shower curtains, popular video game, big-box retailer gift card, the latest version of a software, a set of kitchen knives, a pair of designer jeans, garden tool, kitchen appliance, unique home decor item, electronic equipment, magazine subscription, office supply item, or ...Your something will most likely be brand new, though it may also be refurbished or antique."

And then I thought to myself, "I really like the excitement I feel when Eli tells me he has a surprise for me. I like the feeling at birthdays and Christmas. I wonder if that's what it would feel like if I ordered from this store." I decided that I might have to try it sometime soon. Maybe you should too!


jenniferhoiyin said...

That sounds so awesome, let's do it together and see what we get!
It's like that fishing game at the ward carnival when you put the pole and string behind the wall.... :D

Julie said...

So that's what you do in New Mexico. Just Kidding! Hey, we miss you guys. Hope that you're having a good time and filling your life with lots of great experiences. We love you!