Sunday, November 1, 2009


As some of you know we got our Chorizo neutered a few weeks ago. Well, before we got all of that business sorted out, it turns out that Chorizo and Lima had "relations." Apparently all the trying to keep them separated for 3 weeks was pointless because they just needed a few minutes to chew off each other's diapers.

We're happy with the outcome though! We've got 3 healthy "Chipin" puppies. I prefer calling them Pinschuahuas. We're glad Lima followed her natural instincts and she is being a wonderful mama! We'll get to enjoy them over the next little while before we need to find them good, loving homes!

This is Katinka Ingabagovinana. She was the first born and is the biggest. She came out bottom first, which was difficult, but she is WONDERFUL! She likes sleeping and eating. We call her Tinka for short.
This is Baloo. He's our only male and he's the runt. He's pretty calm compared to the other two, but he's super lovable. His color is pretty rare too.
And this is Bruja (spanish for witch). She is close to Tinka in size, but she looks just like her mama. She's hyperactive like Lima too; she cries, she moves, she's all over the place. 

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